Page 8 - AOBCS 2021 Strategic Guide-Final
P. 8

Academic Excellence Objective 3:
              Each school within the Archdiocese of Baltimore
              will have a school principal with the knowledge,
              understanding, and ability to be highly effective.

              Indicators for Success:
                     9 The number of principals who are MSDE
                     9 Student, family, and teacher perceptions of
                     9 The growth of each principal as measured by
                        performance on the evaluation framework.
                     9 The growth of student achievement as
                        measured by standardized tests.

              Academic Excellence Objective 4:
              All instructional staff will become engaged members
              of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and/or
              Professional Learning Network (PLN).

              Indicators for Success:
                     9 Number of schools engaged as a
                        Professional Learning Community (PLC).
                     9 Number of action research projects
                        completed annually.
                     9 Amount of collaboration within and across
                        schools in PLC/PLN activities, support, and
                        professional development.

                                         Academic Excellence
                                              Focus Areas: Curriculum,
                                            Instruction, and Assessment
                                               System Integration: Principals
                                                as Instructional Leaders and
                                             Professional Learning Communities

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