Page 6 - AOBCS 2021 Strategic Guide-Final
P. 6
Mission and Catholic Identity
Mission and Catholic Identity Objective 1:
To ensure that Mission and Catholic Identity is clearly
communicated and implemented across the system of
Catholic Schools.
Indicators of Success:
9 A system-wide Mission and Catholic Identity
Task Force.
9 Professional development opportunities
specific to Mission and Catholic Identity.
9 Evidence that the school’s mission statement
guides planning and decision-making.
9 Increased number of teachers in process and
having completed a catechetical certificate.
9 Improved results on the ACRE Assessment
(5th and 8th grade) and survey results.
9 Evidence that a school lives out the mission of
forming missionary disciples in collaboration
with the pastoral mission of the Church.
Mission and Catholic Identity Objective 2:
To ensure that each school has a comprehensive clearly
articulated Mission and Catholic Identity statement that
is its foundation.
Indicators of Success:
9 A Mission and Catholic Identity Statement
per school that is aligned with the parish.
9 Measurable goals and strategies Re: Mission
and Catholic Identity in each school’s CIP
(Continuous Improvement Plan).
9 Annual Report by the Mission and Catholic
Identity Task Force.