You’d really have to be a meanie
Not to like this sweet zucchini.

When, with a bow, our friend arrived,
Our interest in the squash revived.
It was so large, so vast, so ripe,
We leapt into zucchini hype.

How should we cook it? Quick sauté?
In cake or brownies? In flambé?
Diced or sliced or grilled to brown?
Stuffed and baked, then served around?

A Pinterest search just made us drool
And wonder how to use our jewel.

But someone had another thought
And soon enough the deed was wrought.

Two eyes and glue gave him a face
And we danced ’round this crazy place.

When all the silliness was through,
Our sons said, “Now let’s have fondue!”
And so we dined with our green friend
But that’s not quite the story’s end

Since summer’s young and gardens grow,
And there will be still more, we know!

What is your favorite way to enjoy zucchini?