RESPETO: un programa de estudio para la formación del liderazgo juvenil latino RESPECT: a curriculum for Latino Youth Leadership Formation
This program is a course that trains young people, specifically Mexican American teens, to be leaders in the community and the Church. The bilingual program encourages cultural and spiritual development. The program lasts a year and is taught in 21 sessions.
Recursos sobre la Virgen María/Mary Resource Pages
A series of links to various educational sites about the Virgin Mary. These include historical, scriptural, musical, prayer, and liturgical based articles. This list gives a thorough understanding of the position of Mary in Catholic life around the world.
Formando Programas Exitosos para Jóvenes Inmigrantes/Creating Successful Programs for Immigrant Youth
An article published by Cornell University analyzing strategies for incorporating youth from immigrant families into the larger community by highlighting their strengths and gifts and providing concrete steps for working with this group.
Especialidades Juveniles/Youth Specialties
This bank of resources has materials for leaders, young adults, adolescents, events, classes, and so much more.
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul/Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Works against the adverse effects of poverty in Baltimore. The organization has 15 programs that provide food, clothing, shelter, adult education, and much more.
Contact: Directora de Servicios Voluntarios-Sue Elias
(410) 662-0500 x209
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/(in Spanish)
A catholic agency providing international humanitarian aid regardless of race, religion, or nationality. CRS serves people in need in more than 100 countries.
Food Fast
Food Fast is a program of Catholic Relief Services to awake the conscience of young adults about the problems of hunger.
Pathways of Hope and Faith Among Hispanic Teens
Presents the pastoral reflections and strategies inspired by the National Study of Youth and Religion. Provides understanding regarding the development and needs of adolescents.
ISBN 978-0-9800293-0-7 (in English)