Young Pasadena parishioners ‘Set Sail with St. Patrick’

By Catholic Review Staff
Young parishioners of St. Jane Frances de Chantal in Pasadena traveled to Ireland and back without leaving the church basement during vacation Bible camp, July 25-29.

“Set Sail with St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity” was the theme embraced by 43 kids from PreK-4 through sixth grade, who learned about the patron saint of Ireland during a “faith anchor” session each day of camp.

“Through St. Patrick’s teaching and example, they discovered the power of the Holy Spirit, and welcomed God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – into their hearts,” camp director Diane Zentgraf said in an email.

Vacation Bible campers participate in an activity at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church in Pasadena
July 27.  (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)

Nineteen adult volunteers and 15 youth assistants led the camp, which utilized curriculum from Growing with the Saints.

According to Zentgraf, months of planning included a late March trip to the dollar store for discounted St. Patrick’s Day items. Parishioners also donated snacks and supplies for crafts.

In addition to accompanying St. Patrick as he spread Christianity through Ireland, campers participated in learning games and skits inspired by Bible verses, sang along to music and played games involving water balloons, sprinkling cans and relays.

They created crafts and enjoyed themed snacks.

Each day opened with a skit put on by the youth volunteers which was followed by activities, conducted in 20-minute stations.  

“I have had completely positive feedback, and we are already planning to Parachute with the Angels and St. Catherine Laboure next year,” Zentgraf said.

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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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