
The American Association of Suicidology – 202-237-2280 – One of the premier suicide research organizations, the AAS has a wide range of resources on all aspects of suicide. Their web page also contains many links and online resources about suicide.

American Federation of Suicide Prevention – To order AFSP’s Teen Suicide Prevention Kit free of charge, call 1-888-333-AFSP, ext. 14, or email Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

National Depressed and Manic Depressed Association

National Hopeline Network – 1-800-SUICIDE

National Institute of Mental Health – Free brochures and information on depression and suicide

SPEAK – Baltmore affiliate of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Wonderful. Does personal testimonials and advocacy.

Yellow Ribbon Campaign – This organization has a number of online resources and links, as well as support groups and other grief suggestions.

We are here to listen and connect you with Catholic resources and opportunities throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Craig Gould
Director of the Division for Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Phone: 410-547-5555
Fax: 410-625-8481

Sarah Jarzembowski
Coordinator for College Campus and Young Adult Ministries
Phone: 410-541-5318
Fax: 410-625-8481

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