Why isn’t the Review supporting nominee Ryan?


I am shocked that in “On the edge” (CR, Sept. 6), the Catholic Review would use the poor to promote President Obama in this election. To even hint that “some Catholic leaders” expressed concern about how the Rep. Paul Ryan budget would impact the poor is egregious. I suppose those same leaders have no concern about Obama/Biden promoting intrinsically evil practices that are anathema to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. To even suggest that the poor are pawns in this election is blatant abuse of the poor.

By including Ryan’s picture, you want Catholic readers to pull the lever for Obama on election day. The Catholic Review and its editors are going down a very bad path with this type of journalism. Now we have a Catholic son, Ryan, who is trying to solve problems and is for the sanctity of life. Just because he is Republican, this paper can’t give him support.


Bernadette Greco

West Friendship

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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