Our 4-year-old son is considering a career as a construction worker or “a science,” but he’s also thinking of being a chef. I am always happy to have company in the kitchen, so he and I have been doing a lot of baking together this spring.
And, although Daniel and I enjoy making pies, my husband really loves cake.

For butter or for worse, you know.

Besides, my mother has a blueberry cake recipe that my grandmother got from a friend decades ago. I’m not sure where she found it, but it’s simple and delicious and the berries are ripe and on sale.
When Daniel and I started stirring the batter the other day, however, we couldn’t find our tube pan. Apparently I had left it at my parents’ house. So we made our cake in two round pans.

I actually think I might like making it that way even better–partly because then we had a second cake to share with my sister and brother-in-law.

It occurred to me that you could also cut the recipe in half and make it in one 8-inch round, but then you only have one cake.
Decisions, decisions.

½ cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 ½ cups flour
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
4 tsp. baking powder
1 cup milk
1 pt. blueberries

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease and flour a tube pan. You can also make the recipe in two 8-inch round pans.
Cream butter and sugar.

Add eggs. Stir in vanilla.
In a separate bowl sift flour with baking powder. Add to butter mixture alternately with milk. (I usually do it in three portions, stirring each in completely before adding the next.)

Roll blueberries in flour and add to the batter.

Bake 1 hour for tube pan, or 45-50 minutes for the 8-inch round pans.
Let the cake(s) cool for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the inside edge of the pan and flip onto a plate.

The cake is perfectly delicious after it cools, but you won’t wait that long to try it. You’ll slice a warm, crumbly piece right away, perhaps burning your fingers in the process, and you’ll inhale it.
Maybe you’ll even eat it this quickly.

Oh, and Daniel will tell you that a slice of this cake is better with a dollop of whipped cream on the side. But I’m betting you could have guessed that.
Linking up with Try a New Recipe Tuesday!