Western and Central Maryland volunteers honored

Volunteers are often the unsung heroes of Catholic schools. In Central and Western Maryland, they are truly being celebrated.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Western Maryland Chapter honored Katherine Marshall from Emmittsburg’s Mother Seton School for being an “outstanding fundraising volunteer” and for making a positive difference at the school in mid-November.

Nonprofits from four counties in Western Maryland selected individuals who they felt deserved to be honored for this award. Awardees were recognized at the “Distinguished Volunteer Recognition Luncheon” in Frederick and received a medal from the AFP.

Marshall, the past chairwoman of the Mother Seton School Board of Directors, chaired the Bicentennial Committee for the school’s 200th Anniversary celebration held in April 2010 and had been instrumental in securing numerous contributions from generous benefactors.

Marshall graduated from Mother Seton School in 1969.

“It was an honor to be representing Mother Seton School, but I’m just one of many wonderful volunteers who contribute to our school,” Marshall said.

“Kate lives the spirit of Mother Seton School in all that she does in her family, church, and community,” said Sister JoAnne Goecke, a Daughter of Charity and the school’s principal. “She is an enthusiastic, hard working, generous and thoughtful alum who gives back a hundred fold to the school of her youth.”

St. Mary Catholic School volunteer Mary Grove was recognized by the AFP, even though her children graduated long ago. She continues to run rummage sales that raise $15,000 annually, a community service to those who depend on the sale for their needs.

St. John Regional Catholic School parent Bill Ballantyne, was recognized for his contribution of time, talent and treasure to the school and his many fundraising efforts.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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