Today, when the faintest wisp of optimism is a gift, it’s more than disappointing to read George Weigel, one of the nation’s sharpest Catholic minds, dismiss many of the president’s national aspirations as a “familiar litany of liberal … shibboleths.” (CR, April 23). I would prefer: Aspirations for peace yet unrealized, but worth the striving!
The poem, “Abandonment” of Charles Peguy, speaks to the point:
“God speaks . . . I know man well . . . It is I who made him.
You can ask a lot of him . . . .
You can ask a lot of kindness, a lot charity, a lot of sacrifice.
He has much faith and much charity.
But one thing you can’t ask of him, by gum, is a little hope.
A little confidence, don’t you know . … ”
May He Easter in us!
The writer is the pastor of Our Lady of the Chesapeake, Lake Shore.