Weigel shouldn’t dismiss Obama aspirations

Today, when the faintest wisp of optimism is a gift, it’s more than disappointing to read George Weigel, one of the nation’s sharpest Catholic minds, dismiss many of the president’s national aspirations as a “familiar litany of liberal … shibboleths.” (CR, April 23). I would prefer: Aspirations for peace yet unrealized, but worth the striving!

The poem, “Abandonment” of Charles Peguy, speaks to the point:

“God speaks . . . I know man well . . . It is I who made him.

You can ask a lot of him . . . .

You can ask a lot of kindness, a lot charity, a lot of sacrifice.

He has much faith and much charity.

But one thing you can’t ask of him, by gum, is a little hope.

A little confidence, don’t you know . … ”

May He Easter in us!

The writer is the pastor of Our Lady of the Chesapeake, Lake Shore.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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