My cousin, Kathy, bought Frank an awesome birthday present, “My Little Prayer Buddy.” He’s a stuffed lamb about the size of a large rabbit, covered in tufted velour fleece, with brightly colored ears and legs. When you push his front foot, a sweet little voice recites one of three prayers, “Our Father,” “Hail Mary,” or “Glory Be.” Although I had seen stuffed animals that play, “Now I lay me down to sleep …”, I had never seen a toy quite like this before.

Photo from
Kathy said Frank’s Prayer Buddy would help him learn the rosary. And she’s right. Though Frank still only says one thing, “DaDa,” Collin has taken a liking to the Prayer Buddy and mumbles along with each prayer before bed. I say by the end of summer he’ll have “Glory Be” down and may be able to pray a decade of the rosary by Christmas.
My Little Prayer Buddy is available here.