Week In My Life 2015: Thursday

This week I’m blogging every day to give you a glimpse into our action-packed lives! I’m joining Kathryn at Team Whitaker for Week In My Life. 

Despite my late night, I wake up feeling better than the day before when I had more sleep. Somehow, though, we are all moving more slowly and we just can’t seem to get out the door to begin the day.

It’s definitely Thursday.

On Thursdays (when we remember and have time) we send cheese sandwiches to school for Our Daily Bread, a soup kitchen in downtown Baltimore. We don’t really have time this morning, but we have the bread and cheese. I put together a few sandwiches and split them into two bags so each of our boys can take some along.
“We should put money with the sandwiches,” says one of our boys. It’s a thoughtful idea. I start explaining that instead we send money to Catholic Charities. Then they can use the money for things so that people who are in need of food or a place to stay can find help. But he has a point.
John offers to take the boys to school. I remind him of our plan for the day. We both have evening events, mine running later than his, and they mean we have different childcare arrangements for the afternoon. We’re all set.
Then the three of them are out the door, wandering down the driveway in the drizzling rain.

I get myself ready and put on a new suit I got for $30 last weekend. Tonight is a big work event, our Business Leader of the Year dinner, and I’ll be there. And not just because I want to wear my new suit.

I apparently am not able to take pictures of myself in the mirror, so this is just an ordinary selfie.

But first it’s another busy work day. Then partway through the morning I check on our childcare arrangements and find they are falling through.
I have other options, but not many, and I reach out to several people before I work out an arrangement with a sitter who can come to our house not as early as I had hoped, but she can come. I’ll get to the event later than I’d like, but I’ll be there, and the boys will be excited about this sitter. I order Chinese food online to be delivered for dinner, email the new plan to John, and head out to get the boys.
But there’s a bad car accident between my office and the boys’ school. The road is closed with no way to turn around. There are three ambulances, a fire engine, police cars, and eventually a tow truck. I’m grateful I didn’t get there sooner to be in the accident and anxious for the people involved and worried that I’ll never get through and won’t be able to get to our children.
It takes me 45 minutes to travel a seven-minute drive. We head home—a different way—and get home about 15 minutes before the sitter arrives. We have just enough time to start homework and for me to put the cushions back on the couch from whatever pillow structure the boys created this morning.

Then I say goodbye and I’m back in the car, driving downtown. I park, take the wrong elevator, take the right elevator, and finally end up where I am supposed to be.

It’s a fantastic evening. The highlight for me, and perhaps for everyone, is when one of our Loyola Maryland students shares his personal experience from the stage. He fought leukemia for 3 ½ years and is preparing to graduate in May. He’s phenomenal. People are wiping tears away by the end, and he receives a standing ovation.

When I go to congratulate him after the talk, he gives me a big smile and says, “Thank you, Miss Rita.” I’m so blessed to do what I do. Jamahn is going to do extraordinary things someday—and I bet it will be someday soon.

By the time the dinner is over, I know our sons are already asleep. So I decide I don’t need to rush away. I stay and chat with colleagues for a little while before I leave.
Back at home, everyone is asleep in our bed. So I carry each of the boys to bed, wondering how much longer I can manage it. They are getting big! But I like being able to tuck them in.
I whisper, “Good night. Sleep well. I love you.” And Daniel, who looks like he is completely asleep, says clearly, “OK!”

Week In My Life: Wednesday

Week In My Life: Tuesday

Week In My Life: Monday

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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