Voices in the vaccine debate – Part 2

In this three part series, I will share the perspectives of three different women (who also happen to be mothers) when it comes to the vaccine debate. I asked all of them the same exact questions and will run their responses in their own words.
(If you missed it, here is Part 1 – The pediatrician)
My name is Leigh Tsottles. I am a mother of three girls, whom we are/will be homeschooling, and wife to an amazing husband. I run a horseback riding, training and boarding facility as well as a homestead where I raise sheep, cows, chickens and turkeys.
I worked at a local hospital for several years as a nurse assistant.
Q. Describe your professional and/or personal experiences with vaccinations.
A. I have no “medical experience” with vaccinations other than the hundreds of hours I have poured into my own research of them. I have broken down each individual disease and each individual vaccine to determine if I felt the disease was something I could support my own child through, with the help of my naturopathic doctor and the use of herbs, oils, homeopathics and other immunity supports.
My personal experiences with vaccines was during the times I spent soothing my daughter, who at the time we were fostering and pursuing adoption, as her body was dealing with the side effects of the vaccines. She was an exceptionally happy baby (even the social worker noted how pleasant she was and that we had to be “doing something right”) but the hours and days following her vaccines, which I even had spaced out so as not to be overloaded, she screamed and screamed high-pitched shrieks, had golf ball sized hard lumps at the vaccine site, and her entire leg was swollen. She refused to eat, ran low grade fevers and couldn’t even sleep well because she kept waking up screaming. This is still after I had given her supplements, orally and topically, to assist in her detoxing.
Q. What are vaccines?
A. Vaccines are a mixture of substances that are put into a body by means of injection or aerosol that generally causes antibodies to form.
Q. Do you have your children vaccinated?
A. My two biological daughters are not vaccinated at all. My adopted daughter was vaccinated her first 9 months of life. Because she was not legally adopted until just before her first birthday we were forced to have her vaccinated or she would be removed from our home.
Q. Why do people choose to have their children vaccinated?
A. People choose to vaccinate because they are led to believe, mostly by their pediatricians, that it will protect their children by giving them immunity to specific diseases.
Q. Why do people choose not to vaccinate their children?
A. People can choose NOT to vaccinate their children for several reasons. 1) Religion: they know that God has created living creatures, the human body in particular, to be flawless and to be perfectly able to support themselves by means of their immune system and other supplementary products, such as herbs, created by God. 2) Toxic overload: the list of ingredients in these vaccines is enough to make people question how in the world bodies (especially new born babies) can handle the poison and not suffer at least minor lifelong complications. 3) Liability: if there is an adverse reaction, vaccine manufacturers are not held accountable. In fact they are totally protected! 4) Effectiveness: there is no proof that these vaccines do work. Wait, there ARE tests ad research done to “prove safety” but they are all internal! You cannot have studies done on something when it is being paid for BY the company seeking positive results.
Q. What are the potential consequences (positive or negative) when people choose to have their children vaccinated?
A. Potential consequences are allergies, asthma, ear infections, ADD/ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, auto immune diseases and death, to name a few. The spread of diseases from the vaccine itself. Weakened and faltered immune systems. You have new strains of diseases that are evolving and are no longer affected by certain vaccines. Positive may be for people in third world countries where they are drinking water contaminated with feces, where they have no sanitation, no food etc. Their immune systems are not able to support the attack of diseases so therefore vaccines may be their only option. But to be perfectly honest I have still yet to find a study done by a third party stating that this is even true. Vaccines still may be hurting them more so than we actually know.
Q. What are the potential consequences (positive or negative) when people choose (NOT) to have their children vaccinated?
A. There are no consequences to not vaccinating. You have children with strong, thriving, healthy immune systems. Bodies and immune systems are able to develop properly, how they were created. The topic of “herd immunity” usually comes up at this point and non-vaccinating families are being blamed, however true herd immunity is ONLY ever established when everyone has lifelong immunity to the disease by actually contracting that disease..and vaccines do NOT provide that kind of immunity.
Q. Who benefits from vaccinations?
A. Obviously people who benefit from vaccinations are those people/parties involved on the financial end of this. People are making billions and billions off of these vaccines. Of course drug companies are going to hire research labs to prove their product, then pay doctors to push those products. It’s a vicious cycle that will not be broken until lots of brave people with lots of money to fight can stand against this.
Q. Do you believe parents should be legally obligated to vaccinate their children?
A. I absolutely do not believe parents should be legally obligated to vaccinate. Should we REALLY have our rights taken from us? In America we have the ability to have those freedoms. That is what America was founded on. When the government starts taking away our rights it is taking away our freedom. If they start taking away our parental rights at what point will it end? This is only opening up the door to more laws and restrictions.
Q. Is there anything else you’d like to say about this issue?  
A. My personal conclusion was that I felt more comfortable if my child contracted the diseases, and potentially needed hospitalization, than injecting them with substances and ingredients that are known to be hazardous to living things. I have read testimonies of countless families who have either lost a child to, or had a child severely damaged by the reactions of being vaccinated. I could NEVER EVER live with myself if I had allowed my children to have that done to them. Bottom line is this: there is absolutely NO proof ( other than from the labs paid by these pharmaceutical companies) that vaccines work, and I will not allow my children to be guinea pigs. I am doing everything I can to support my children’s immune systems by feeding them well quality foods and providing them with healthy lifestyles. To those families who believe I am putting their children at risk by not vaccinating: well I’m sorry they feel that way but my first and foremost obligation is to MY children’s health, not theirs.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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