quo vadis

Quo Vadis 2024

When: July 8-11, 2024

Who: High School Boys (those finishing 8th grade to those finishing senior year in 2024)

Where: St. Mary’s Seminary in Roland Park

Cost: $225 per student (Early-bird registration November 1-March 1), $275 (after March 1), $150 for additional siblings

What is Quo Vadis? Quo Vadis is a four-day camp hosted by the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Who is it for? It is open to any young man of high-school-age (eighth-grade grads through recent high-school-grads) who wants Christ and the Church to be a part of his life.

Quo Vadis 2024

Quo Vadis 2023 Recap

Registration is now OPEN!

Quo Vadis FAQs

What does it accomplish?

Young men will be encouraged to persevere in prayer, service, and holiness so that they can grow in human and Christian maturity and explore the vocation to which God is calling them. When the question of a particular vocation arises later (marriage, priesthood, or religious life), it will be because the young man himself has discovered it being proposed to him from within.

How does it accomplish it?

Through four days of prayer, discussion, worship, recreation, music, and brotherhood. Through four days with priests, seminarians, and other young men who are open to Christ and the Church in their lives. Through four days of peace and relaxation away from the stressors of school and busyness of family life, giving each young man the freedom to learn and discover where God is working in his life.

Is it just “priest camp?”

No–it’s a “grow as a Catholic young man experience.” Our goal is to give a young man a few days to think, pray, and reflect on how God works in his life, and on how he will build on that foundation going forward. All of the baptized are called to follow Christ through their diverse vocations. However, since the experience is run by the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and is hosted at a seminary, we do hope that by the end of the week a young man has a better understanding of what the life of a seminarian and a priest looks like. He’ll also get to know seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore as more than faces on a poster.

What does Quo Vadis mean?

Quo Vadis is Latin for “Where are you going?” An ancient legend holds that Saint Peter, in a moment of doubt, once asked the Lord Jesus this question. We believe that this question can still be asked today: by young people, to the Lord (“Lord, where are you going? Where are you taking me?”); and by the Lord, back to a young person (“Where are you going? Will you follow me?”).

Let us know what support you need

If you need information about the camp, or if there are financial constraints or special circumstances that might prevent a young man from attending, we are here to help. We want any young man who wants to attend Quo Vadis to be able to do so. Contact vocations@archbalt.org.