Over the past two weeks Amy Eldridge, chief executive officer of Love Without Boundaries, has been posting blogs about the changing face of Chinese adoption.
Love Without Boundaries is an amazing organization in China. It is especially dear to our family because of all the LWB volunteers did for our sons—specifically, not just in some abstract way—before we met them.
In her series, Amy has written about changing attitudes, adopting boys, how domestic adoption in China is increasing, how many more Chinese children are being born with birth defects, and new challenges for orphanages.
I devoured each piece, and my heart has broken a little more each time.
Her final post in the series—and the post I would recommend reading if you only read one and have any interest in the topic—focused on why international adoption still matters.
Amy, who has spent so much time in China serving orphans and those who care for them, said it much better than I ever could. “When you have met these beautiful kids in person, you know so deeply that it is a complete tragedy for even ONE of them to live their entire childhood inside an institution’s walls.”
Each of these children is one of God’s children, and each deserves a chance at life and love. I pray that each of these children finds the way to a forever family.