Baltimore Catholic Women

National Community of Catechetical Leaders

The National Community of Catechetical Leaders is dedicated to promoting the ministries of evangelization and catechesis in the U.S. Catholic Church by fostering a community of leaders ​who proclaim ​and teach the Word of Jesus Christ ​through the witness of accompaniment, education, and formation in the Catholic faith. Learn More
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Catholic Distance University

A learner-centered institution that makes lifelong learning in the faith not only a goal, but a reality.  Learn More
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Aquinas College

Certificates for Catechetical Leaders and Catechists.  Learn More
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Notre Dame STEP

Certificates in Catechesis, Doctrine, Liturgy, Scripture, and more.  Learn More
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Dayton VLCFF

Certificates in Catechesis, Special Needs, Youth Ministry, Social Justice and more.  Learn More
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Catechetical Institute

Certificates for Catechists, PCLs, RCIA, Pastoral Accompaniment, and more. Learn More
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Catechetical Institute

Certificates for catechists, parish catechetical leaders, and lay ministers.  Topics include RCIA, Pastoral Accompaniment, theology, and more.  Learn More
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