Time to Time

“The life of every individual, from its very beginning, is part of God’s plan.” This is what Pope John Paul II reminded us in The Gospel of Life. Today I am asking Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore to witness to this truth by uniting with people in more than 90 cities in 33 states in the largest simultaneous pro-life mobilization in history – the nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign.
This campaign began quietly three years ago in a few localities. The communities that have participated in past years have seen as much as a 28% reduction in abortions, with many women deciding to bring their babies to birth. Many women (and men) also have been helped to recover from spiritual and emotional difficulties stemming from a past abortion experience.
This national prayer effort will begin September 26 and continue through November 4. Please commit to pray and fast during this time for the conversion, forgiveness and healing of those who provide or assist in abortions, those who encourage mothers toward abortion, and for the mothers themselves, so that all may come to understand the truth of the dignity of human life from the first moment of conception. Prayer should also be for the softening of hardened hearts, as well as the healing of broken hearts, caused by abortion.
During the 40 days, in some instances participants will pray, fast and stand in prayerful witness outside two abortion facilities in the Baltimore area: Hillcrest Clinic, 5602 Baltimore Nat’l Pike, Catonsville, MD 21228 and Planned Parenthood, 330 N. Howard St., Baltimore, MD 21201. Others will witness at other facilities in their communities, as organized in their local parish.
The program is in no way limited to public witness. All parishioners are encouraged to offer prayers in their homes, in school and in church, in solidarity with those praying outside the abortion facilities. Holy Hours, recitation of the Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration would be of great assistance in this effort. There are no walls, no barriers to hinder God’s power released through fervent prayer.
If we, with repentant hearts, humbly seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, we trust that He will hear our prayer and heal our country, as He promised (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Check your parish bulletin to discover how you can become part of the effort that ends abortion in America. To volunteer an hour or more of your time at Planned Parenthood call 410-569-7226 or Email: Baltimore40Days@verizon.net. To pray at Hillcrest call 410-290-0643 or Email: Hillcrest40Days@verizon.net. For more information call Linda Brenegan, Respect Life Program Director, at 410-547-5537 or Email: Life@archbalt.org.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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