Time for laity to speak out on abortion funding

After reading and viewing countless articles, columns and TV specials following the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy, I found the most positive message from Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien (CR., Sept. 3). At the end of the column was the notice that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops would be reporting on health care reform which would not advance an abortion agenda. The inferred message

was: “get involved in this battle for the life of the unborn.”

Archbishop O’Brien pointed out that all the good things Sen. Kennedy accomplished in his nearly 50 years of public service were countered by his strong advocacy for abortion, in direct opposition to church teaching.

We lay people need to step up and speak out. It is critical that we support the U.S.

Conference of Catholic Bishops and all who believe in the sanctity of life. We can do this by clearly and forcefully communicating to our representatives in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives our views against abortion funding in any health care reform bill.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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