The Impact of the March for Life: Part 1

It’s been a little over one week since I participated in my very first ever March for Life. I am not really one for crowds and the thought of being in the crowd rather than standing back to observe was a little scary. But, since I was traveling with a group from my parish, Saints Philip and James, and we would be meeting up with the Dominican friars, I figured I was in good hands. Plus, any excuse to take the train is good for me!

A group of people from Saints Philip and James Church in Baltimore, including Dominican Father John Paul Walker and Dominican Father Dominic Bump, attend the March for Life.

First, let me say that I had not walked so much in a long time. With my pedometer recording over 13,000 steps that day, my feet didn’t ache at all. We hustled from Union Station to meet the other Dominicans and I was struck by all of the different groups making their way to the mall. I’m not sure what kinds of people I expected to see because I haven’t been very active in pro-life causes (figuring I could leave that to someone else), but the sheer number of kids, students, and families blew my mind. I was overcome with joy and happiness to see people from all over the country take the time and expense to travel for such an important cause. How I wish I could have done that in high school and college!
Another refreshing sight to see were the number of habitat religious. Of course I saw many Dominicans, but men and women religious, Orthodox and Roman Catholic, of all stages of vows and formation (I believe I saw some postulants), all came to show their support for life. Many of these religious were the chaperones for those very same students I mentioned earlier. How inspiring!
Signs, good folks around me to walk and talk with, a common cause, hyped up college students and bands made the March one of the best I’ve ever done. But I hadn’t realized the depth of pro-life until I finally made it home, and this is why I’m still in awe and still mentally digesting all that I’ve taken in since that day.
I forgot about the people on the other side of the issue. Not because they weren’t important, but because I didn’t see them until I watched the news. Now I know everyone isn’t always peaceful when defending their passions, but I’m glad I didn’t run into anyone who was very militant or angry. As I passed signs of support for life from Canadians, feminists, and rape survivors, it was clear to me I needed to absorb more and really walk my talk. In other words, I couldn’t just casually mention this in my blog anymore and I know my views on life extend to all people regardless of wealth, status, or anything. But I also had to remember that fighting for life is also important when it comes to suicide in any form.
I certainly cannot hope to cover everything that has been going on in my head so I will leave part one of this series with a question for you: what is one thing you can do every day to support a culture of life?
I’ll see you for Part 2: From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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