

Parishes, parishioners across Baltimore Archdiocese join day of prayer and fasting for reparation in abuse crisis

At least 33 parishes responded to Archbishop William E. Lori’s call to prayer and repentance for the healing of victims of sexual abuse and the healing of the church. The archbishop called for Masses and fasting Sept. 7 as a day of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 
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Forming leaders: New program at Maryvale Prep offers experience beyond classroom

As director of Maryvale Preparatory School’s Leadership Institute, Mary Ellen Fise is dedicated to developing innovative methods that will form the lions of society.
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Archdiocese adds names of 10 priests in Pennsylvania report to local list of accused priests

As part of its ongoing commitment to accountability, the Archdiocese of Baltimore has added the names of 10 priests who were listed in the Pennsylvania grand jury report to its list of priests and religious credibly accused of child sexual abuse.
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Mount St. Mary’s product: PIE scholarship ‘changed my life’

Alexis Watson is employed by the Mount as a program coordinator in alumni engagement, and already knows her way around development and marketing, having served as the face of its “Live Significantly” campaign during the previous school year, which put her on radio, TV and billboards. None of that would have happened, according to Watson,...
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Inside and out, lake vacationers revel in Deep Creek Mass

McHENRY – Massgoers happily overflow St. Peter at the Lake Center. Both sides of the nine-year-old building, a mile east of Deep Creek Lake, are lined with sliding glass doors followed by a row of benches. Beyond that is a pasture where people can unfold lawn chairs, and parents roam with antsy children.
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Calvert Hall’s champions include marching band

TOWSON – While many of their peers enjoyed an extended summer, members of the Calvert Hall College High School marching band honed their craft in the heat.
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First day for three Catholic schools includes Archbishop Lori, other visitors

On the first day of school Sept. 4, Archbishop William E. Lori – accompanied by Jim Sellinger, chancellor of education, and Donna Hargens, superintendent – visited schools in Harford and Baltimore counties.
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New Baltimore Catholic school to be named in honor of Mother Lange

The proposed new Catholic school in Baltimore will honor the name of Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, the foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence and the first Catholic school in the United States for black children.
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Spirit of service begins early at Holy Angels

“Created for Good Works” is the theme for 2018-19, the year of service in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. That is an ethos that students at Catholic schools embrace long before they enter high school.
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Vigano, spokesmen dispute facts of contested pope meeting in Washington

Days after he called on Pope Francis to resign for allegedly ignoring sanctions placed on then-Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano provided his version of a meeting that, in the minds of many, changed the overall narrative of Pope Francis' visit to the United States in 2015.
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Bishop echoes pope: The poor’s plight is ‘the Gospel, pure and simple’

In the bishops' annual Labor Day statement, Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Florida, said the recent economic news may not "give an entirely accurate account of the daily lives and struggles of working people, those who are still without work, or the underemployed struggling with low wages."
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Former nuncio now says sanctions against McCarrick were ‘private’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former nuncio to the United States who called on Pope Francis to resign for allegedly lifting sanctions placed on Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, now says those "sanctions" were "private" and neither he nor now-retired Pope Benedict XVI ever was able to enforce them.
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