

Synod groups on sexuality: Church welcomes all, calls all to conversion

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- No one is excluded from the love of God or from being welcomed into the Catholic Church, but God's love and the church's welcome also come with a call to conversion, said the English-language groups at the Synod of Bishops.
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March for Life in January will emphasize ‘pro-life is pro-science’

WASHINGTON (CNS) - Next year's March for Life plans to fortify its pro-life message with science that proves life begins at conception and with a specific focus on stem-cell research.
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Justice Department opens investigation into abuse claims in Pennsylvania

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has received a subpoena as part of a federal grand jury investigating allegations of child sexual abuse and a cover-up of such claims, church officials confirmed Oct. 18. The subpoena “requires the production of certain documents,” said Ken Gavin, archdiocesan spokesperson, and the archdiocese “will cooperate with the United States Department...
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Thurmont parishioners provide ‘joyful witness’ at Colorfest

On the second full weekend in October, the town of Thurmont transforms to welcome autumn visitors. The 55th annual Catoctin Colorfest, one of the largest outdoor craft shows in the East, drew an estimated 100,000 Oct. 13-14.
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Back On My Feet helps Catholic Charities client make marathon debut in Baltimore Running Festival

Michael Martin’s attitude towards running mirrors his attitude towards overcoming his addiction. The 45-year-old recovering heroin addict is among the thousands of runners who will don athletic attire, lace up their sneakers and pound the pavement Oct. 20 for the 18th annual Baltimore Running Festival.
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Archbishop Lori: Catholics living out their God-given vocations will help church heal

Healing of the church can be brought about by all faithfully living their God-given vocations, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore told Catholics in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston during a visit to the statewide diocese in early October.
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Esperanza Center opens in temporary location after fire

A month after a neighboring fire displaced Esperanza Center, a program of Catholic Charities, its outreaches continue to operate just around the corner out of Assisi House at St. Patrick in Fells Point.
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Salvadoran archbishop asks pope to make Romero ‘doctor of the church’

Archbishop Jose Luis Escobar Alas of San Salvador asked Pope Francis to proclaim St. Oscar Romero the church's first Latin American "doctor of the church."
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Saints risk all for love of Jesus, pope says at canonization Mass

Carrying Pope Paul VI's pastoral staff and wearing the blood-stained belt of Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, Pope Francis formally recognized them, and five others, as saints of the Catholic Church.
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Pope accepts Cardinal Wuerl’s resignation as archbishop of Washington

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl as archbishop of Washington but did not name a successor.
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Students learn about Blessed Virgin Mary at Rosary Congress

Approximately 350 students gathered at the Baltimore Basilica Oct. 10 to learn about Our Lady of Fatima, pray the rosary and tour America’s first cathedral as part of the archdiocesan Rosary Congress.
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Baltimore Archdiocese, Catholic Charities help launch Parish ID in city

“We are sending a clear message, that people have a right to be safe,” the archbishop said. “People have a right to live in a city where they see each other as neighbors and friends, rather than strangers and enemies. Baltimore's interim police commissioner, Gary Tuggle, addresses questions from the media Oct. 10 outside Sacred...
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