

All in a day’s ministry

By the time Father James D. Proffitt finally put his feet up Nov. 10, he’d presided at a funeral and a wedding, baptized three babies, heard confessions for an hour, presided at the Saturday vigil Mass and administered the anointing of the sick.
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In Washington Franciscan custos calls attention to Holy Land Christians

Some Christians would consider it a blessing to live in the land where Jesus Christ was born and lived.
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‘Every day is Thanksgiving,’ says Cherokee chief

Thanksgiving should be a daily attitude rather than an annual observance, according to an American Indian leader in Pennsylvania.
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‘Resilient faith:’ Josephites celebrate 125 years of ministry

The Baltimore-based Josephites celebrated their 125th anniversary with a special Mass Nov. 17 at the Baltimore Basilica.
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Catholic, international aid agencies press for end of war in Yemen

Catholic and international aid organizations are pressing for an end to Yemen's worsening war, where the United Nations says one child dies every 10 minutes.
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People must confront their evil desires, beg God for mercy, pope says

God handed down his commandments not for people to hypocritically follow the letter of the law with a proud and righteous heart, but for people to recognize the truth of their weaknesses and acknowledge their need for help, healing and salvation, Pope Francis said.
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Faith groups could be taxed on transit, parking benefits for employees

Leaders of a diverse group of faiths, including the Catholic Church, and the heads of religious nonprofit organizations are urging Congress to repeal a change in the Internal Revenue Code that would tax houses of worship and other nonprofits for parking and transit benefits they provide to their employees.
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Pope offers prayers for victims of wildfires; death toll climbs

"A special prayer goes to those affected by the fires that are plaguing California. ... May the Lord welcome the deceased in his peace, comfort their families and support those who are involved in relief efforts.
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Once ‘spiritual, not religious,’ millennial finds freedom in Catholicism

"Catholicism, as foreboding and frustrating as it might look like from the outside, actually is freedom," he told The Catholic Spirit, newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
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Archbishop Lori says pastoral on racism ‘most welcome’ in Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archbishop William E. Lori, who served as a consultant to the committee drafting the pastoral, said the pastoral is “most welcome” in the archdiocese. He said the archdiocese is putting together a dialogue process for which the pastoral will be a great help.
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Archbishop Lori reflects on completed bishops’ meeting

Archbishop Lori offered his reflections on the recently completed bishops meeting in Baltimore.
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