

Maryland Catholic Conference prepares for 2019 General Assembly

Throughout the 90-day session, the Maryland Catholic Conference will advocate for the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington and the Diocese of Wilmington, all of which encompass part of the state.
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‘Nationalistic tendencies’ threaten world peace, pope tells diplomats

As it did prior to the Second World War, the rise of nationalism in the world poses a threat to peace and constructive dialogue among nations, Pope Francis said.
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Seek Jesus, adore him, serve him and others, pope says on Epiphany

People find Jesus only through humble love, and once they find him, they are called to offer him the gifts of their prayer, their adoration and their care of others, Pope Francis said.
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Knights’ leader takes umbrage at Senate questioning of judge nominee

The supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, calling the organization "an American Catholic cultural icon," said senators have no business questioning a federal judicial nominee's membership in the Knights over its support for church teaching on abortion and same-sex marriage.
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Jesuit to remain as House Chaplain in new Congress

A Jesuit whom former Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan sought to oust in 2018 will remain in his post as chaplain of the legislative body as the 116th session of Congress begins.
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Catholic advocates outline legislative goals for a new Congress

Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? Thought not. Neither did several Catholic organizations, despite the last-minute flurry of legislation typical of a lame-duck Congress.
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German cardinal urges change in tradition ahead of celibacy discussion

German Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising called for change in long-standing church tradition as the German bishops' conference prepares for a workshop debate to "review" the issue of celibacy for priests.
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Future city Catholic school receives $3 million donation

The future Mother Mary Lange Catholic School in Baltimore is $3 million dollars closer to opening its doors.
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U.S. bishops take part in weeklong retreat about clergy sex abuse crisis

The U.S. Catholic bishops are taking part in a closed-door retreat Jan. 2-8 at Mundelein Seminary at the University of St. Mary of the Lake near Chicago to prayerfully consider ways to rebuild trust over the clergy sex abuse crisis.
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Pope to U.S. bishops: Abuse crisis requires conversion, humility

The clerical abuse crisis and the "crisis of credibility" it created for the U.S. bishops have led to serious divisions within the U.S. church and to a temptation to look for administrative solutions to problems that go much deeper, Pope Francis told the U.S. bishops.
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Hysterectomy can be morally licit in limited situations, Vatican says

The Catholic Church teaches that sterilization is morally unacceptable, but a hysterectomy could be morally acceptable if the uterus could not sustain a pregnancy, said the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
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Prayer involves recognizing self as God’s beloved child, pope says

Christians are not better than other people, but they do know that God is their father and they are called "to reflect a ray of his goodness in this world thirsting for goodness, waiting for good news," Pope Francis said.
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