

Bishops must realize seriousness of abuse crisis, pope says

The primary goal of the Vatican's February summit on clerical sexual abuse and child protection is to help bishops understand the urgency of the crisis, Pope Francis said.
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Archbishop Lori leads Stations of the Cross during ‘Panama in the Capital’ event

As World Youth Day 2019 came to a close in Panama, about 1,400 young adults representing about 20 dioceses throughout the United States gathered Jan. 26 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., to join in the joy, prayer and fellowship of the global event.
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At lunch in Panama, U.S. pilgrim questions pope on abuse crisis

While sharing a private lunch with pilgrims from around the world, Pope Francis expressed his solidarity with victims of sexual abuse by members of the clergy and emphasized the need for unity and prayer, a U.S. pilgrim said.
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Hope wanes in church wounded by sin, pope tells Panama clergy, laity

A church wounded by sin can paralyze, confuse and tire the hearts of Catholic clergy and laypeople, causing them to doubt their mission in the modern world, Pope Francis said.
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Jesus’ love does not use labels, pope tells young detainees in Panama

Just like the Pharisees, many today shun Jesus' merciful love toward sinners and prefer to use labels that stigmatize a person's past, present and future, Pope Francis said.
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Keep God’s love alive, pope tells young people at World Youth Day

Young men and women in the church can bring the joy of the Gospel to the world by showing that God's love extends to all people and excludes no one, Pope Francis said.
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Resource not risk: Pope reflects on using social media for good

Social media are anti-social, anti-human and anti-Christian when they are used to increase differences, fuel suspicion, spread lies and vent prejudice, Pope Francis said in his message for World Communications Day.
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$10 million to BOOST, more updates, as General Assembly begins

Two weeks into the 2019 Maryland General Assembly, measures supported by the Maryland Catholic Conference are getting attention in Annapolis.
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N.Y. bishops decry new law signed on Roe anniversary to expand abortion

New York state "has become a more dangerous one for women and their unborn babies" with the passage of a bill to expand abortion called the Reproductive Health Act and Gov. Andrew Cuomo's signing it into law, said the New York State Catholic Conference.
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Swiss Guard replaces metal helmets with 3D-printed plastic headgear

While the Swiss Guard's halberds and uniforms have remained largely unchanged over the centuries, its ceremonial helmets are now a product of 21st-century technology.
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Door opens to Panama for Baltimore parishioner

While Brandon “B.J.” Pinkney hopes to improve his prayer life at 2019 World Youth Day, it’s hard to imagine him coming home with any more gratitude than what he took to Panama.
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Panamanian prelate to World Youth Day pilgrims: Make the adults nervous

If there was a common denominator, aside from the Christian faith, that united most pilgrims heading to the opening Mass for World Youth Day 2019 in Panama, it was that each person, in his or her own way, faced a challenge back home. 
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