

Actor Gary Sinise describes his road to the Catholic Church

Gary Sinise, the actor perhaps best known for playing Lieutenant Dan in the 1994 movie "Forrest Gump," followed a rather unusual path to becoming a Catholic.
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Internet, online porn seen as enabling sexual exploitation of children

The internet facilitates sexual exploitation, a category of child abuse, according to experts in this field interviewed by Catholic News Service.
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Cardinal warns against being silent, in error about Catholic faith

To keep silent about the truths of the Catholic faith or to teach the contrary is a form of religious deception that comes from the anti-Christ, said Cardinal Gerhard Muller.
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Sykesville family carries on tradition

When three-month-old Leah Therese Ballor was baptized at St. Joseph Catholic Community in Sykesville Jan. 20, she continued a family tradition by wearing a gown that has roots with an aunt who was a Daughter of Charity who had served in China in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  
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Wounded warriors are HEROs combating ‘epidemic’ of child pornography

Since over half of all child-pornography collectors are hands-on offenders, law enforcement can apprehend them by following the cyberspace trail of images -- considered "crime scene photos" by investigators.
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Trump defends rights of faith-based adoption agencies at prayer breakfast

Touting efforts to protect religious freedom, President Donald Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast that his administration would defend the right of faith-based adoption agencies to place children in families based on firmly held religious beliefs.
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Seniors go the distance to attend St. Maria Goretti in Hagerstown

Two senior athletes at St. Maria Goretti High School in Hagerstown exemplify the regional nature of the institution.
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Head of U.S. bishops says new ‘season’ could come after abuse crisis

The laity may be angry over the most recent revelations of the Catholic Church's sex abuse crisis, but bishops, particularly younger ones, share in that anger and "want to move with real force" toward solutions and it could yield a new season for the church, said the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops...
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Archbishop Naumann urges Senate to OK bill to protect babies who survive abortion

It is "unconscionable" that the U.S. Senate failed to "unanimously declare to the nation that infanticide is objectively wrong," said the chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
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Pope, on flight, talks about dialogue, war, abuse of women religious

Pope Francis told reporters he is more afraid of the consequences of not engaging in interreligious dialogue than he is of being manipulated by some Muslim leaders.
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Jesuit Father Arrupe’s sainthood cause officially opens in Rome

The sainthood cause of Jesuit Father Pedro Arrupe was formally opened in Rome at the Basilica of St. John Lateran Feb. 5, the 28th anniversary of Father Arrupe's death.
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Catholic Review survey shows Catholic high school tuition remains more affordable than most nonpublic schools

Catholic high schools are more affordable than most of their peers, as evidenced in the Catholic Review’s annual survey of cost of attendance among non-public schools within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, which encompasses Baltimore City and nine counties.
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