

To protect Earth, change lifestyles, say church, indigenous leaders

Participants at the Washington gathering looked at some of the data showing what can happen if places such as the Amazon keep experiencing deforestation at the current rate.
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Mount St. Joseph defeats 2018 MIAA-A baseball champs on the road

An error-plagued Friar defense and timely Gael hitting broke open a scoreless game in the top of the fifth, as visiting Mount St. Joseph High School defeated the 2018 MIAA-A Conference Champion Archbishop Curley High School 5-0 March 20.
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Academy for Life encourages parents to vaccinate children

Catholic parents should vaccinate their children for the good of their children and the community, and they can do so with a "clear conscience" that "the use of such vaccines does not signify some sort of cooperation in voluntary abortion," said the Pontifical Academy for Life.
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Worn marble steps of Holy Stairs to be uncovered for public to climb

For the first time in 300 years, the marble steps of the Holy Stairs will be free from the thick wooden panels installed in 1723 to protect the stairs and left uncovered for the public.
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Missionaries share faith from Annapolis to Emmitsburg to Towson

FOCUS missionaries are having an impact in the faith lives of young adults at three universities within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
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Pope leads pilgrims in prayer for victims of mosque attack

Pope Francis called on Christians to unite in prayer for the victims of two mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 people dead and dozens wounded in one of the worst mass shootings in the country's history.
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‘Sister Hildie’ was beloved presence at IND for more than six decades

“She knew every nook and cranny of IND,” Sister Patricia McCarron said. “She had a window into the heart of every single IND girl. She was the spirit of IND.”
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After attacks, New Zealand bishops tell Muslims: ‘We hold you in prayer’

New Zealand's Catholic bishops have expressed horror and distress at a terrorist attack in two mosques in Christchurch that saw at least 49 people killed.
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More than 600 throughout Archdiocese of Baltimore seek entrance into the Catholic Church

In Annapolis, Baltimore and Emmitsburg, 611 people seeking full communion with the Catholic Church gathered for the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion March 10.
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Baltimore-based CRS remembers four employees who died in Ethiopian Airlines crash

Archbishop William E. Lori offered a memorial Mass March 14 for the four employees of Catholic Relief Services who perished in the recent plane crash in Ethiopia.
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‘Home felt like church’ for future Baltimore priest

Pictures, both moving and still, figure prominently in the discernment of Deacon Matthew J. DeFusco.
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Catholic officials want apology for ‘disgraceful’ Saturday Night Live skit

The initial groans from the audience during a "Saturday Night Live" skit when comedian Pete Davidson likened people who "support the Catholic Church" to R. Kelly fans were just a taste of the reaction this skit would receive from some Catholic officials.
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