

Bishops Parker and Wack call for more transparency and lay involvement in Facebook Live event

Transparency and honesty are key elements of restoring the trust of the laity, especially young people, according to two bishops who participated in a Facebook Live event sponsored June 11 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops during its spring general assembly.
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Catholic Church should focus on getting ‘nones’ back, Bishop Barron says

Although the U.S. bishops' spring assembly in Baltimore was mostly devoted to responding to the sexual abuse crisis in the church, the bishops also considered something described as the second-most important issue currently facing U.S. church leaders: How to get religiously unaffiliated, or "nones," particularly young people, back to the Catholic Church.
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Bishops urged to do more for immigrants, spiritually and otherwise

Catholic bishops urged their fellow prelates to do more to support the suffering of immigrant families, to be with them spiritually as pastors and to voice support for legal measures to help them.
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Cardinal DiNardo calls bishops to be trustworthy like Barnabas

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo focused on the feast of St. Barnabas in his homily June 11 during a Mass at the end of the first day of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' spring meeting.
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Pope advances sainthood causes for U.S. African-American priest, Spanish martyrs

Pope Francis advanced the sainthood cause of Father Augustus Tolton, who was the first African American diocesan priest in the United States and founder of the first black Catholic parish in Chicago.
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Archbishop Lori: Aspects of episcopal accountability already in place in Baltimore

As the U.S. bishops gathered in Baltimore June 11 for their spring meeting, holding bishops accountable for their own conduct and their actions or inaction in handling clergy sexual abuse of minors was the focus of the morning presentations.
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Bishops to vote on implementing pope’s ‘motu proprio’ on addressing abuse

The U.S. bishops are scheduled to vote on a plan to implement the "motu proprio" "Vos Estis Lux Mundi" ("You are the light of the world") issued in May by Pope Francis to help the Catholic Church safeguard its members from abuse and hold its leaders accountable.
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Bishops to consider 10-point plan to acknowledge ‘episcopal commitments’

The U.S. bishops are set to vote on a 10-point statement, "Affirming Our Episcopal Commitments," in which the bishops hope to regain "the trust of the people of God."
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Nuncio’s message to bishops: ‘Unity prevails over conflict’

Recalling "there were some expressions of 'dissent'" by some U.S. bishops when the bishops met last November over the Vatican's request that they postpone voting on agenda items related to the reemergent clergy sexual abuse crisis, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Vatican's nuncio to the United States, reminded them that "unity prevails over conflict."
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Bishops urged to pass ‘effective’ policies on accountability, transparency

When the bishops gather in Baltimore starting June 11, Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, Missouri, said he's "hopeful we will have some progress made in moving the football" on the church's response to the abuse crisis by approving several proposals to hold the bishops accountable.
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Holy Spirit ‘brings order to our frenzy,’ pope says

In a world of conflict and division and a culture of insult, people need to live filled with the Holy Spirit, who is the only one capable of bringing harmony and unity to diversity, Pope Francis said.
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