

Towson’s Newman Center celebrates its namesake’s canonization

The Catholic campus ministry at Towson University marked the canonization of St. John Newman with a community celebration.
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Indigenous woman brings message from her elders to pope as church elder

The culture and spirituality of Amazonian indigenous people remain strong "as long as we have our territory, our rivers, our sacred places, food and our seeds, the elements of our rituals," Pijachi said.
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Kindly lights in gloomy world: Pope declares five new saints

Saints are people who recognized their need for God's help, who took risks to discover God's will and to help others and who nurtured a habit of thanksgiving, Pope Francis said.
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Banners unfurled as faithful share stories of five saints

The Vatican hung banners of the Catholic Church's newly canonized saints four days before the Mass that would officially recognize that they are in heaven with God.
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Advocates to Trump: Don’t desert Christians, Yazidis, Kurds in Syria

Christians concerned with religious freedom violations resulting from the Turkish military offensive on northeastern Syria are urging U.S. President Donald Trump to "reconsider and reverse" his Oct. 6 decision to move American troops out of the way of a Turkish incursion.
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God in all things: Synod looks at indigenous ‘theology of creation’

By demanding respect for the cultures of indigenous peoples, Pope Francis was not promoting pantheism, but -- tapping into his Jesuit roots -- urging respect for a worldview that sees God in all things.
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Monsignor Aiken accompanied by many on his ‘journey’ with cancer

Nine months into his fight with stage 4 cancer, the 74-year-old priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore can see he is not alone.
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Little Sisters of the Poor again seek Supreme Court’s help

The Little Sisters of the Poor filed a petition with the Supreme Court Oct. 1 asking the court to once again protect them from the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.
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Campus ministry at Towson University among those planning parties to mark Cardinal Newman’s canonization

The Catholic campus ministry at Towson University will celebrate the canonization with an Oct. 13 community festival outside the grounds of its Newman Center, 7909 York Road, Towson, MD 21204. The festival, which runs from noon to 7 p.m., is free and open to everyone. It will feature music, food, games and more.
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Cardinal Sarah: To oppose the pope is to be outside the church

Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, said the people who portray him as an opponent of Pope Francis are being used by the devil to help divide the church.
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The Christian battle is against evil, not people, pope says

When Catholics attack other members of the church, they are hurting Christ, Pope Francis said.
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Children reminded of their power at Rosary Congress

“I think you all have more power, and that’s because of the power of prayer,” said Father Boric, speaking Oct. 8 during a special children’s event on the fourth day of the 2019 archdiocesan Rosary Congress.
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