

Under former West Point dean, Mount St. Mary’s reverses enrollment decline

Learn more about Timothy E. Trainor, president of Mount St. Mary's University, in this Q&A.
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Pope: Personnel, priests caring for COVID-19 patients are heroes

With the number of priests and religious dying from coronavirus-related illnesses rising, Pope Francis offered his prayers for those who died after being infected helping COVID-19 patients and their communities.
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Forget me not: Prison ministry faces challenges of global pandemic

As more countries continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the term "lockdown," normally used to describe confining prisoners to their cells, has taken on a whole new meaning.
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Door-to-door evangelization in East Baltimore stopped mid-mission

As residents looked on in curiosity from their porches and windows in the Joseph Lee/Bayside neighborhood of East Baltimore March 13, a column of color and solemn music split the abandoned streets. 
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Shortened legislative session yields mixed bag, new dynamic for Maryland Catholic Conference

Taking stock of the Maryland General Assembly’s abbreviated 2020 Legislative Session, Jenny Kraska pointed not to wins and losses but to the novel dynamic imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, which shortened the session.
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Pope announces extraordinary ‘urbi et orbi’ blessing March 27

In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said he will give an extraordinary blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world) at 6 p.m. Rome time March 27.
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Vatican issues decree for Holy Week liturgies with pandemic restrictions

"By the mandate of the supreme pontiff for the year 2020 only," the congregation issued guidelines March 20 for celebrating the Triduum and Easter liturgies without the presence of the faithful.
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Coronavirus closures slow offertory collections but not parish costs

No Masses during the COVID-19 pandemic could mean several weeks without offertory collections and this has many pastors worried.
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Coronavirus restrictions throw plans for weddings, funerals into disarray

From weddings to baptisms to funerals, the coronavirus pandemic and the social distancing precautions that go with it have thrown solemn and celebratory Catholic services into disarray.
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Archdiocese’s churches stay connected to parishioners during pandemic

While archdiocesan churches are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, pastors and staff are trying to keep in touch with their parishioners by streaming daily Mass, sending emails or posting online videos.
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Across Europe, shrines close, following directives for fighting COVID-19

Europe's Catholic shrines have followed directives for combating the coronavirus by tightly restricting organized events, although some pledged to stay open for Masses and pastoral care.
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