

Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others

With a small procession down the vast and empty central nave of St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis began the first of a series of Holy Week liturgies celebrated without the presence of the faithful from the general public.
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USCCB president calls for national moment of prayer on Good Friday

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has invited U.S. Catholics to join him on Good Friday, April 10, to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart at noon (EDT).
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Catholic Church responded to plagues with penance, prayers

Although the coronavirus pandemic brings to mind plagues from centuries ago, both with quarantines, fast-spreading diseases and deaths, there is one big difference on the spiritual side: Today's pandemic is not, save but a lone voice or two, described as God's punishment on humanity.
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Stations of the Cross: Jesus’ passion takes on particular resonance in time of crisis

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is home to many beautiful Stations of the Cross that tell the story of Christ's Passion in compelling ways.
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Spiritual communion helps connect Catholics to Christ

“It’s a sincere prayer saying that you believe that Jesus is present in the holy sacrament,” Father Poston explained, “and you desire to receive him and love him. But since you can’t, you invite Jesus to come into your heart and soul and be with you.”
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St. John Paul showed how to face suffering by embracing God, Mary

Remembering St. John Paul II and the 15th anniversary of his death, Pope Francis encouraged people to pray for his intercession and trust in Divine Mercy, especially during these "difficult days" of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Vatican approves special ‘Mass in the Time of Pandemic’

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments has approved a special "Mass in the Time of Pandemic" to plead for God's mercy and gift of strength in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Why must churches close and other coronavirus questions answered

The Archdiocese of Baltimore provides this list to answer some of the common questions regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
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Hospital CEO conducts virtual meeting with Baltimore priests on coronavirus

Speaking to more than 50 priests of the Archdiocese of Baltimore during a March 31 online presentation, Smyth pointed out that most COVID-19 patients exhibit no symptoms in the first two to five days after they are infected. That’s when the risk of spreading the virus is greatest, he said.
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As people are ordered to stay home, pope calls for help for homeless

As national and local governments have been issuing stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Pope Francis asked people to pray for and assist those who are homeless.
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Pastors plan different ways to celebrate Holy Week in time of coronavirus

Pastors around the Archdiocese of Baltimore are adapting to celebrating Mass without the presence of the faithful, but several admit that Holy Week this year will be very different as they adjust to continued restrictions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Archdiocese Advises all Parishes to Close Churches Until Further Notice

Following today’s Executive Order by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Archbishop William E. Lori instructed that all parish churches be closed until further notice.
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