

Presence: Pastors embrace active role at K-8 schools

The Catholic Review visited with three priests who consider it a privilege to minister to a parish school.
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Archbishop Lori shows support for young immigrants facing possible deportation

In a show of support for young undocumented immigrants who could face deportation if the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is eliminated, Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated a Mass in Spanish at St. Patrick in Fells Point Sept. 13, assuring the immigrant community he stands with them.
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Rosary Congress is powerful opportunity for prayer and renewal

People throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore will renew their commitment to prayer and the message of Fatima during the archdiocese’s first-ever Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Congress.
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Columbia parish celebrates 50 years as a community united in diversity

The concept of the interfaith center stems from the city’s own beginning 50 years ago during a time when the United States was still grappling with segregation.
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Pope says he hopes Trump reconsiders DACA decision

Politicians who call themselves pro-life must be pro-family and not enact policies that divide families and rob young people of a future, Pope Francis said.
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Pope amends church law on Mass translations, highlights bishops’ role

In changes to the Code of Canon Law regarding translations of the Mass and other liturgical texts, Pope Francis highlighted respect for the responsibility of national and regional bishops' conferences.
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Rebuilt 2.0: Nativity parish dedicates new church

A Catholic parish that was practicing the New Evangelization before the term was branded celebrated the opening of its new worship space Sept. 8.
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Archbishop Lori calls line of questioning of judicial nominee ‘deeply disappointing’

“These comments are a reminder that we must remain vigilant against latent bigotries that may still infect our national soul,” Archbishop William E. Lori said.
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The Least of These: Care for prisoners doesn’t stop after release

“I found Christ in these men, and they shared it with me. It didn’t matter whether they were Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, there was a respect,” Father Canterna said. “The key is love. The key is your presence, your oneness with that person. You have to give of yourself, like Jesus did.”
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Pope arrives to help promote healing in Colombia, scarred by war

Pope Francis arrived in Colombia Sept. 6 for a five-day visit to promote reconciliation in a deeply Catholic country scarred and reticent to offer forgiveness after decades of war.
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Contino has done plenty of ‘something’ for Baltimore Archdiocese city scholars

In 2012, Contino led a group of 20 women in the formation of WEA, which in addition to creating scholarships, provides support that has included classroom technology, summer reading initiatives, state-of-the-art playgrounds and school supplies.
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Archbishop Lori responds to President Trump’s decision to end DACA

"Ending this program is a cause for unnecessary fear for these brave young people who now face deportation," Archbishop Lori said. "As Americans and people of good will, this response by our government is unjust and unacceptable."
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