

Easter hope breaks routine, unleashes creativity, pope says

Truly celebrating Easter means allowing Jesus to triumph over personal fears and give life to hope, creativity and care for others, Pope Francis said.
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Pope: Jesus’ church offers truth, comfort despite efforts to discredit it

Leading a prayer to God for the grace to feel ashamed and repentant for so many sins in the world, Pope Francis highlighted the hope that always comes from Jesus.
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What’s the buzz? A live version of ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ on Easter

Television viewers on Easter weekend will be pulled from the Old Testament on Holy Saturday to the New Testament on Easter.
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Jesus does not give up on anyone, pope tells prisoners

Before washing the feet of 12 prisoners, Pope Francis told them and hundreds of inmates to remember that Jesus constantly stands before them with love, ready to cleanse their sins and forgive them.
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Vatican: Claim that pope denied hell’s existence is unreliable

The Vatican said comments attributed to Pope Francis denying the existence of hell are a product of an Italian journalist's "reconstruction" of the pope's remarks and not a faithful transcript of the pope's real words.
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St. Agnes, St. William of York team with CRS to feed hungry of Burkina Faso

CATONSVILLE – In a first for two Archdiocese of Baltimore parishes that share a pastor, parishioners of St. Agnes in Catonsville and St. William of York in Ten Hills gathered March 17 in a Lenten project that packed 20,000 meals for the people of a small, poverty-stricken country of West Africa where hunger is widespread....
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Budgets benefitting Catholic schools increased 

The funds will help to provide additional safety measures, capital improvements and scholarship assistance for students from low-income households or who have special needs. 
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Caroline Center gives thanks for 22 years of leadership from SSND Sister Pat

School Sister of Notre Dame Patricia McLaughlin is stepping down after 22 years of ministry at the Caroline Center in Baltimore.
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Maryland Catholic Conference announces new leadership

The Maryland Catholic Conference announced March 28 that Jennifer Briemann will succeed Mary Ellen Russell as the conference’s new executive director in June.
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Legacy: MLK continues to inspire in Baltimore Archdiocese

April 4 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose principles of nonviolence in the pursuit of civil rights inspired Archbishop William E. Lori’s most recent pastoral letter.
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Young Ohio boy’s wish to meet Pope Francis comes true

"Not only did Pope Francis kiss Peter, he asked Peter to ride in the popemobile with him," Brenda Lombardi, Peter's mother, told Catholic News Service.
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Chrism Mass includes renewal of commitments, distribution of holy oils

More than 24 gallons of oil were distributed to parishes and other Catholic institutions at the archdiocesan chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland March 26.
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