The Archdiocese of Baltimore’s report reflects our Synod proceedings. It has been submitted to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to be incorporated with similar reports from across the United States.
Archbishop William E. Lori reports that during the past six months the laity, clergy and those in consecrated life in the Archdiocese of Baltimore journeyed together to complete the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality. Throughout the synod process, parishioners joined in prayer, listening, dialogue and discernment on a fundamental question proposed by the Holy Father: “A Synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, ‘journeys together.’ How is this ‘journeying together’ happening today in your local Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take to grow in ‘journeying together?’ ” Many participated in the process online or through a variety of organizations or groups, including those engaged in youth ministry, charitable ministries, and Catholic education. The archdiocese also sought to hear from those who are no longer close to the Church, especially those who have felt marginalized or alienated. This resulted in 235 reports containing the fruits of many prayerful, thoughtful, and honest conversations.
Here is our summary report of what was shared by parishioners in the Archdiocese of Baltimore (click image below to view report):
“The lay faithful, those in consecrated life, and the clergy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore generously responded to the Holy Father’s invitation to participate in the Synod on Synodality. By doing so, they sought to journey together in a process of prayer, listening, and dialogue, seeking to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. All of this was placed at the service of the Church’s evangelizing mission given by Christ. Through this process, many sensed that they were being drawn closer to their sisters and brothers in Christ.
“The Holy See laid out a process rooted in prayer that sought to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit in each conversation. From November 2021-June 2022, synodal conversations took place in parishes, schools, religious communities and apostolates throughout the Archdiocese. These moderated conversations centered on Scripture and were guided by questions for reflection following a format provided by the Holy See.”
“Los fieles laicos, los de vida consagrada y el clero de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore respondieron generosamente a la invitación del Santo Padre de participar en el Sínodo Sobre la Sinodalidad. Al hacerlo, quisieron caminar juntos en un proceso de oración, escucha y diálogo, buscando discernir la voz del Espíritu Santo. Todo ello puesto al servicio de la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia encomendada por Cristo. Mediante este proceso, muchos sintieron que se acercaban más a sus hermanas y hermanos en Cristo.
“La Santa Sede planteó un proceso centrado en la oración que buscaba escuchar la voz del Espíritu Santo en cada conversación. De noviembre de 2021 a junio de 2022, se llevaron a cabo conversaciones sinodales en parroquias, escuelas, comunidades religiosas y apostolados en toda la Arquidiócesis. Estas conversaciones fueron facilitadas por un moderador, tomaron como punto de partida las Escrituras y fueron guiadas por preguntas para la reflexión siguiendo un formato proporcionado por la Santa Sede.”
For more news on synodality, click here.