It is sad that 13 Catholic schools have been targeted to close. Lives are impacted, no doubt about it. However, other than demographics, I believe the root cause of the financial problems facing Catholic schools is to be found in a lack of Christian Stewardship among Catholics.
For those who are mad at this decision, I offer the following thoughts. How much have you contributed to the church of the past 30 years? Are readers of The Catholic Review aware that the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas offers tuition-free Catholic Education? The diocese has embraced stewardship. This is a model of how it should be.
Do you spend more on your cable TV, satellite dish, Internet and cell phone perks than you do supporting your parish? How have you voted over the past 30 years? In Maryland, we seem to elect the same people into power, who do not support school vouchers or aide to Catholic schools. From what I have seen, the so-called “Catholic vote” has been indistinguishable from the overall population.