Ever since I started blogging for The Catholic Review a few months ago, I’ve been trying to read more Catholic blogs. Today I came across a group of Catholic bloggers who participate in “Sunday Snippets,” sharing their posts from the previous week.
Some of the links posted by Catholic bloggers at RAnn’s Place led me to interesting topics and to bloggers I hadn’t read yet.

Between Father’s Day and the Fortnight for Freedom, we had a full week here at Open Window:
In Our son’s unscripted love on Father’s Day, our 4-year-old son melted our hearts as he expressed his love for his father.
In Let freedom ring, let the choir sing during the Fortnight for Freedom, my pride in being a Catholic American swelled at the opening Mass at the Baltimore Basilica.
In Playing the hunger games at our house, I talk about gaining a new understanding about why our 2-year-old couldn’t bear to watch me prepare food.
In John is his name…unless John was that third grader who threw spitballs, I talk about naming our sons–and how helpful it might have been to have an archangel here to guide us.
If you’re a Catholic blogger, you’re welcome to join in the fun. Go to RAnn’s Place and follow the instructions.
Now off to the carnival!