Statement regarding former parish employment of Kenneth Joseph Cassity

We have received information that Kenneth Joseph Cassity, a former lay employee of Sacred Heart parish in Glyndon, Maryland, was arrested Thursday in Florida on charges that he had molested three boys. The abuse is alleged to have occurred between 1999 and 2000 while Cassity worked at St. Ann parish in Marietta, Georgia.

Cassity was employed briefly as Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Sacred Heart beginning July 9, 2001. His last day of work was September 20, 2001. His employment at the parish was terminated within the probationary period. We have no evidence of any sexual misconduct by Mr. Cassity while he was employed at Sacred Heart.

Cassity was hired with a good reference from a former church employer in Silver Spring and his Maryland Criminal Background Check was clear. His fingerprints check was returned unreadable after his employment had already been terminated.

Any person who suspects or alleges child abuse on the part of any priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Baltimore is encouraged to contact Msgr. Rick Woy at 410-547-5591. Information concerning suspected child abuse by anyone should also be reported to the appropriate civil authorities.

Parishioners at Sacred Heart will be apprised of the allegations of child sex abuse at Masses this weekend. Parents of students at Sacred Heart School will be informed by letter Monday. Cassity’s employment spanned the first two weeks of the 2001-2002 school year.

Point of contact is Ray Kempisty, Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Baltimore (410-547-5378).

Sean Caine

Sean Caine is Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications

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