Statement of Cardinal William H. Keeler on Appointment of New Bishop of Diocese of Harrisburg

With the Diocese of Harrisburg I rejoice in the naming of a new spiritual shepherd, Bishop-elect Kevin C. Rhoades, by Pope John Paul II.

     Bishop Rhoades brings to his new position many wonderful gifts: he is a dedicated priest who knows and loves the diocese personally; a pastor who has dealt effectively with the challenges of a modern city parish; and one equipped, culturally and linguistically, to offer spiritual leadership to those coming from Latin America.

     To the service of God’s people in Central Pennsylvania Bishop Rhoades brings also a deep spirituality and the experience he gained as Rector of Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg. There, in offering oversight to one of our country’s great seminaries, he sharpened skills of discernment and administration that will be blessings for all.

     May the Holy Spirit guide and sustain his ministry!

                              Cardinal William H. Keeler
                              Archbishop of Baltimore

Sean Caine

Sean Caine is Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications

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