St. Nicholas of Tolentino

St. Nicholas of Tolentino was born in the diocese of Fermo in 1245 to parents who had been childless until visiting the shrine of original St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas of Tolentino became an Augustinian friar when he was 18 years old, later became a monk and finally was ordained at age 25. After having a vision of angels mentioning Tolentino, he moved to that city in 1274 to become a peacemaker. He preached, healed and visited prisoners. It is said that the saint had visions of purgatory and made a special effort to pray for all of the souls there. He died in Tolentino in 1305. St. Nicholas of Tolentino is patron saint of souls in purgatory.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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