St. Michael provided solid foundation

Regarding “Historic St. Michael Church holds final Masses July 31” (CR, Aug. 4): my mother, Catherine Doemling, attended St. Michael’s School at Lombard and Wolfe Streets in the late 1890s and early 1900s. German was taught there, in addition to English.

My mother married an immigrant from Bohemia. My sister, Julia, and I both attended St. Michael’s School. At the end of fourth grade, male students were placed in a building across Wolfe Street and taught by the Brothers of Mary. I especially remember a large, solid Brother Leo Doyle. At my first misbehavior, my outstretched hands were belabored with a wood drumstick. The second time, he placed a hand over each ear, picked me up off the floor and shook me. I accepted these punitive acts; my fault. I liked Brother Leo.

Tuition from 1930-37 was $5 a year. After Loyola High School (Blakefield), I attended Loyola College (University), then Georgetown University School of Medicine, and retired from the practice of surgery in 1986.

I am now 88½-years-old. I’m sorry that St. Michael will cease to function as a parish. I loved my young years there with the sisters, brothers and priests.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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