St. Margaret School dedicates gymnasium

After Sunday Mass Jan. 28 and to kick off Catholic Schools Week, St. Margaret School, Bel Air, will dedicate its middle school gymnasium in front of parishioners and school families with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a blessing by Monsignor G. Michael Schleupner, pastor, and performances by the school chorus and cheerleading squad.

Donors and members of the school’s facilities committee will be recognized and the school will host tours and refreshments.

The gymnasium, completed August 2006, is equipped with a $44,900 free-floating floor and six mounted basketball backboards, wall padding and volleyball net inserts which totaled $18,000 additional. The fundraising efforts of parents and faculty provided the funds, plus yearly allocations from the school budget and independent donations.

“The completion of our middle school gym is due largely in part to the collaborative fundraising efforts of our school parent association, Hershey Candy Bar fundraising committee, school families, faculty, and staff,” said principal Jane Dean. “We are grateful for the dedication and commitment of the facilities committee who, in six short months, was able to conduct the necessary research, obtain required approvals, select the products, and complete the installations by the first day of school in August 2006.”
St. Margaret, founded in 1911, has a student base of 850 preK-8 students on two campuses.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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