Social Ministry Convocation set for March 5 at Seton Keough High School

The 32nd annual Archdiocesan Social Ministry Convocation will be held March 5 at Seton Keough High School, at 8:15 a.m.

Jesuit Father John Donohue’s keynote address, titled “Economic Justice for All: A Call for Discipleship in Troubled Times,” will use his experience as a biblical scholar, professor, homilist and author to talk about current events.

Betsy Lamb will deliver a talk titled “Missionaries of the Just Christ” for Spanish-speaking attendees.

The P. Francis Murphy Social Ministry Recognition Awards, the John Hook Parish Award, the Doris Johnson Community Award and the International Peace & Justice Award will be given to those who have made strong social justice contributions.

Workshop offerings include opportunity-rich housing, immigration reform, human dignity at work, prisoners re-entering their communities, putting a face on human poverty, exploring the intersection between Christian spirituality and Gospel justice, hope for Haiti, moving beyond charity, viewing urban needs from the perspective of the Catholic worker and working to reduce poverty.

The registration fee is $10, and lunch is provided for those who pre-register. For additional information, call Carol Palmer at 410-261-6780.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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