Sisters of St. Francis celebrate jubilees

Three former Franciscan Sisters of Baltimore will honor their anniversaries of religious profession at a Jubilarian Mass July 29 at St. Rita in West Allis, Wis. The Baltimore order merged with the Milwaukee-area Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi in 2001.
Ireland native Paschal O’Sullivan, O.S.F., is a 70-year jubilarian. The 91-year-old sister lives in retirement at Clare Court Convent in Baltimore.
Annunciata Bleil, O.S.F., is a 60-year jubilarian. Originally from Pennsylvania, the retired sister spent the majority of her ministry in teaching. She volunteers at the Marian Franciscan Center in Milwaukee.
Mildred Rothwell, O.S.F., a 50-year jubilarian, was born in Boston and has served as a teacher and director of religious education in parishes in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts. She currently serves as director of religious education in Massachusetts.
In all, 24 sisters will celebrate jubilees ranging from 50 to 80 years of profession.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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