Sister Patricia Woll, I.H.M., dies

 By Catholic Staff
A funeral Mass for Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Patricia Woll was offered Jan. 3 in Scranton, Pa. Sister Patricia died Dec. 28. She was 82.
A native of Danville, Pa., Sister Patricia entered the religious order in 1950.
She taught from 1953 to 1996, including at St. Agnes School in Catonsville from 1978 to 1984. Sister Patricia also taught at schools in the Archdiocese of Washington, Pennsylvania and New York.
She ministered as assistant to the director of the Immaculate Heart of Mary art studio in Scranton from 1996 to 1999. Sister Patricia made art for her religious order’s publications, in addition to arts and crafts for the congregation’s
Heartworks Boutique in Scranton. 
She taught at the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Educational Enrichment Institute in Scranton from 2001 to 2011, then served as a prayer minister in Scranton until her death.
Sister Patricia earned a bachelor’s and master’s in education from Marywood University in Scranton.
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