Sister Mary Catherine Vukmanic, O.S.U., dies

By Catholic Review Staff
A funeral Mass was offered Nov. 26 for Ursuline Sister Mary Catherine Vukmanic at her community’s motherhouse chapel in Louisville, Ky. Sister Mary Catherine died Nov. 22. She was 95.
A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Sister Mary Catherine entered the Ursuline Sisters of Pittsburgh in 1936 and was the last remaining member of that congregation, which merged with the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville in 1958. She spent most of her teaching career in Kentucky, but also taught in Maryland and Pennsylvania. From 1962 to 1966 she was an instructor at Ursuline Academy in Cumberland. She also served in several Kentucky parishes and was a rural religious education consultant for the Archdiocese of Louisville.
Sister Mary Catherine was a writer, poet and guest lecturer, and served as the book review editor for the Catholic Home Journal from 1949 to 1959.
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