Pope Francis launched the worldwide, two-year “Share the Journey” campaign Sept. 27, 2017, calling on Catholics and the faithful to encounter migrants and refugees to break down barriers of fear and suspicion and build bridges of understanding and hospitality.
Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are part of a global network of Caritas organizations participating in the campaign. See below for local and national resources, news articles and more about Share the Journey. For more from the bishops, visit the Share the Journey web page here.
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, president of Caritas Internationalis, prays that a young refugee he met in Greece has found someone willing to “share the journey” with him.
At his general audience Sept. 27, Pope Francis and international leaders of Catholic charities urged Catholics to extend a hand to migrants and refugees.
Cardinal Luis Tagle, president of Caritas Internationalis, issues a call to support “Share the Journey.”
Watch the press conference to present the “Share the Journey” International Campaign of Caritas Internationalis.
The Esperanza Center, located at 430 S. Broadway in Baltimore, is a comprehensive immigrant resource center. Staff and volunteers provide referrals, ESL education, health care and low-cost immigration legal services to thousands of immigrants each year.
Join Pope Francis and Caritas to Share the Journey with migrants and refugees from 27th September onwards.