Scrutinize CCHD grants

I wonder again why the Catholic Campaign for Human Development continues to grant funds ($60,000) to organizations such as People Acting Together in Howard, “CCHD Grants Empower Poor” (CR, Sept. 1).

PATH is an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). It is one thing for the Church to have an option for the poor and something else to fund an organization or one of its affiliates whose fundamental principles contradict the social teaching of the church. Among other issues, PATH considers storm-water runoff a top environmental and political issue worthy of its attention and prides itself in cutting bus waiting times from one hour to 30 minutes. So while PATH rallies support for political candidates who favor its seemingly commendable issues it has no problem endorsing individuals, such as our current governor, whose conscience with respect to gay marriage is about as flawed as it can get.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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