School news: A business plan, math and science competition and leaders honored

Compiled by Elizabeth Lowe
John Carroll seniors place first in Diamond Challenge semifinals
Sunny Lu and William Du, seniors at The John Carroll School, placed first in the semifinal round of the Diamond Challenge for High School Entrepreneurs March 29 in Wilmington, Del.
The Diamond Challenge is a real world business concept competition with an educational purpose, according to information about the competition.
Du and Lu, international students from China who came to John Carroll two years ago, competed against 11 other high school teams, according to the Bel Air school. The duo impressed the judges because of the feasibility of their business model, a well-written business plan and a compelling presentation to entrepreneur investors.
“William approached me about the Diamond Challenge through his senior project adviser, Louise Geczy,” Larry Dukes, Du’s entrepreneur mentor and the school’s athletic director, said in a statement. “He had several solid ideas that seemed viable and he had done extensive research to make his case. After reviewing several we settled on the current business plan because both students had lived the experience.”
At the center of Du and Lu’s business model is the delivery of personal items and gift packages from home to international students studying in the U.S., according to John Carroll. Their company is Love Delivery, LLC.
“Sunny understands exactly what the Chinese and other international students in the U.S. and their families appreciate,” Du said in a statement. “She constructed a great set of gift packages and the components of a website to order them. We also allow the families to see the delivery video.”
While some colleges offer gift packages to students during exams, for birthdays and other special occasions, none cater to the growing international population, according to John Carroll.
“This is what our international program is all about,” Madelyn Ball, John Carroll’s principal, said in a statement. “Our students learn about each other, understand how the world can be a better place and build solutions to make a difference. William and Sunny are examples of what it means to grow in several ways in line with our mission statement.”
Archbishop Borders School students participate in Destination Imagination
Seven students from Archbishop Borders School in Highlandtown participated in the math and science competition Destination Imagination Feb. 22 at the George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology in Towson.
Their team name was Archbishop Borders Brain Tease. 
Archbishop Borders students participated in the “Going to Extremes” challenge. Their scientific problem was extreme conditions, specifically being stranded in a desert after a plane crash. They were tasked with creating everything to stay cool and survive.
Destination Imagination works to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders, according to the nonprofit. During team challenges, students learn 21st century skills, including creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, citizenship and courage, to build on their strengths.
St. Mary’s Elementary School teacher receives national recognition
Carleen Doherty, a fourth-grade teacher at St. Mary’s Elementary School, has been selected as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar, the Annapolis school has announced.
Doherty is one of 80 teachers selected to attend a NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop, according to St. Mary’s. She will participate in the “Secret Culture, Public Lives: Slavery in the Colonial Chesapeake” workshop during the week-long program at Historic London Town and Gardens in Edgewater.
The NEH supports summer study opportunities for teachers to work with experts in the humanities disciplines. 
Mother Seton School confers Seton Values Award at annual recognition event
Dr. Thomas H. Powell, president of Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, and Tony Testa, owner of Rocky’s New York Pizza in Thurmont, were honored at the annual MSS Business and Professional Recognition reception and awards ceremony March 18 at Mother Seton School in Emmitsburg.

Dr. Thomas H. Powell, president of Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, receives an honor from Mother Seton School in Emmitsburg. (Courtesy Mother Seton School)
The event recognizes the support the local business community gives to the Emmitsburg school.
“This award requires my continued resolve to live my life more like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, to try my best to exemplify her life and her commitment as a servant and leader,” Powell said at the event. “To be more like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton means to be more willing to say ‘yes’ when God calls. For me, it means that ‘no’ is not an option.”
Daughter of Charity Sister JoAnne Goecke, principal of Mother Seton, expressed her gratitude for the support from local businesses and professionals.
“It is a privilege for our school community to honor the dedication and contributions of our business and professional partners,” Sister JoAnne said. “Their longstanding dedication and contributions to the educational mission of Mother Seton School is a treasure not only for our school but the entire community.”
St. John Regional Catholic School educator named Knights of Columbus Teacher of the Year
Joan D’Loughy, PRIDE (Pupils Receiving Inclusive Diversified Education) teacher at St. John Regional Catholic School in Frederick, was recently named St. Katharine Drexel Knights of Columbus Council No. 14011 Teacher of the Year.

Joan D’Loughy, an educator for some 40 years, who currently is a PRIDE teacher at St. John Regional Catholic School in Frederick, works to make a positive impact on students with special needs. (Courtesy St. John Regional Catholic School)
D’Loughy, an educator for about 40 years, works to make a positive impact on students with special needs, according to the Frederick school.
St. John Regional nominated D’Loughy for the award because of her dedication and commitment to students, according to the school. She is an example to others because of her devotion to her students.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore’s PRIDE program is new this year at St. John Regional and St. Mark School in Catonsville. PRIDE is a program for students in kindergarten through eighth grade diagnosed with learning disabilities and average to above-average intelligence. It continues to be offered at St. Clement Mary Hofbauer School in Rosedale.  
Catholic High School’s president named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women
Barbara D. Nazelrod, president of The Catholic High School of Baltimore, has been named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women by The Daily Record.
The Daily Record began Maryland’s Top 100 Women in 1996 to recognize the outstanding achievements women demonstrated through professional accomplishments, community leadership and mentoring.
The awards will be presented May 5 at the Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore.
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