Richardson to coordinate pastoral leadership

Paulist Father John E. Hurley, executive director of the department of evangelization for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, announced the appointment of Mae Richardson as the new coordinator of pastoral leadership formation.

Richardson is currently the coordinator of youth and campus ministry for Glyndon’s Sacred Heart parish.

“I am delighted at Mae’s selection and I welcome the opportunity for her to be a resource to leadership in parishes throughout the Archdiocese,” Father Hurley said.

Richardson will develop and coordinate the formation process for lay ecclesial ministers and parish lay ministers.

“Mae is a woman of deep faith who has a passion for parish ministry and a real calling to the work of formation,” said Ruth Puls, Director of Catechetical and Pastoral Formation.

Richardson will work with pastoral life directors and develop curriculum for the courses in lay ministry formation.

Carol Pacione, pastoral life director at St. Pius X Parish, Rodgers Forge, praised Richardson’s enthusiasm, saying: “She is a well-rounded and well-grounded individual.”

Richardson was previously Sacred Heart’s coordinator of high school youth ministry and has also worked at Annapolis’ St. Mary’s, Severn’s St. Bernadette and Ellicott City’s Church of the Resurrection.

She’d held positions at Mount St. Mary’s College and Seminary and Mother Seton School in Emmitsburg.

She has a master’s degree in systematic theology from the Ecumenical Institute of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University and a bachelor’s degree in theology and philosophy from Mount St. Mary’s.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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