Support for Crisis Pregnancy

“Every individual, precisely by reason of the mystery of the Word of God was made flesh, is entrusted to the maternal care of the Church.” Gospel of Life ¶ 3.

Printable brochure for local Crisis Pregnancy Centers – “Pregnant?  You Have REAL Choices”

Place a Permanent Sign in the vestibule of your Church.

Include information about a local pregnancy center and the Gabriel Network, opportunities for pro-life activities in the parish, information about joining the Respect Life Committee, an invitation to Project Rachel for post-abortive women, and other pro-life information.

Sample Language: “In the Name of God the Father, the Creator of all life, (name of parish) pledges to aid any pregnancy woman who asks for help if she will let her child be born.”

“I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live.” —Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Promote Pregnancy Services Available.

Post information on bulletin boards, print in Sunday bulletin, leave fliers in literature rack or pamphlets in vestibule, and set up table in vestibule after Masses twice yearly.

Run a Baby Bottle Drive.

Place baby bottles in narthex for families to pick up and collect loose change/cash/checks.  Donate to local or sponsored pregnancy center.

Next to baby bottle, put information about local or sponsored pregnancy center or about abortion.

Many pregnancy centers will facilitate the baby bottle drives themselves.

To find a pregnancy center to support, please contact

Walk or Run for Life

5k Mount De SalesEach fall, the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office sponsors the Gabriel Network 5K Walk/Run for Life in partnership with Fannie Mae Help the Homeless Program which supports its maternity homes around Maryland.  Consider this alternative to the Race for the Cure, which has ties to Planned Parenthood and embryonic stem cell research, and support local pregnant women facing homelessness.  People of all ages join the race for a fun day at the park.  Visit the Gabriel Network for more information.

Sell Mother’s Day Carnations or Roses

Offer carnations or roses outside Masses on Mother’s Day for a $1 donation.  Send all proceeds to a local pregnancy center. To adopt a pregnancy center to support, please contact

Throw a Baby Shower.

A great way to bring the respect for life message to the parish in a constructive and positive way. Display bulletin announcements and a flier in the two weeks prior to the “shower.” Include each group in the parish in the preparations, the school, the CCD classes, the Ladies Guild, etc., and give each group specific tasks to do and times to attend at the tables. If you have a parish school, involve the children in your parish baby shower. They can make posters to advertise the shower and contribute small items. Request gently used as well as new items. Place a baby crib or a pack-and-play in a prominent place in the vestibule of the Church for two weekends to collect the items. Provide a bowl or basket for cash donations.

If you need information about a pregnancy center to support, please contact

Wash for Life

The Wash for Life is an annual pro-life youth event. On the same day, groups of youth all over the country hold a car wash in their own home town and donate the money to a local Pregnancy Care Center. This way, they participate in a national event while at the same time helping their own community.  If your youth group or parish group cannot participate on the day, consider a car wash for life any day.  See Wash for Life for more info.

Sell Pro-life Christmas Cards.

Provide a pro-life resource for your parishioners and raise funds for your Respect Life Committee or a local pregnancy center. Available from Heritage House at

Donate the Poor Box to a Pregnancy Center.

If you need information about local pregnancy centers to support, please contact

Start Knit for Life.

Seniors’ groups or women’s groups or youth groups join together and “Knit for Life,” making baby blankets, baby bonnets, etc. to donate to local pregnancy centers. Publicize by contacting leaders of established groups.   Create a flier inviting parishioners to Knit for Life and asking them to bring their own needles and knitting supplies. Provide a time, a space, comfortable chairs, and yarn.

“Adopt” a Pregnancy Center.

Sponsor a local pregnancy center spiritually and financially as a parish. Pray regularly for the staff and clients at this pregnancy center and respond to its needs for funds, diapers, baby blankets, etc. If you are interested in adopting a pregnancy center, please contact the Respect Life Office at

Start a chapter of the Gabriel Network.

The Gabriel Network is a grassroots, faith-based nonprofit support network that provides practical, emotional and spiritual assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies, in a spirit of Christian solidarity.  It is a network of churches, individuals, businesses, agencies, donors, organizations, and professional personnel inspired by Christ to realize a culture of life through loving service to the women and families in our communities challenged with an unexpected pregnancy.

If your parish is interested in starting a chapter of the Gabriel Network, please contact the Gabriel Network at (301) 262-9011, (410) 741-1228, or

This provides a very public statement of a parish’s commitment to the right to life, as a large sign is generally posted on the parish property inviting pregnant women in need to call the hotline.

Respect Life

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