Public Information & Education

“The revelation of the Gospel of life is given to us as a good to be shared with all people.” Gospel of Life ¶ 101.

“To deepen respect for human life and heighten public opposition to abortion and euthanasia, a twofold educational effort is necessary: one directed specifically to the Catholic community, the other directed to the general public.” -Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.

Print Pro-Life Information in Sunday bulletin

Archdiocese “Respect Life Corner” – a free bulletin insert by e-mail.

Please e-mail if you’d like to receive it.

USCCB “Bulletin Briefs”

If there is interest in news and political updates or statistics, please let the Respect Life office know and we will produce another alternative.

Share Building a Culture of Life for Middle and Highschool Students

Let your youth ministers, CCD teachers, and Catholic school teachers about this valuable resource.

Respect Life Coloring, Poster & Essay Contest

Hosting a contest engages youth (in a parish school or religious education classes) in respect life issues.  It encourages young people at your parish/school to consider the theme designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Pro-life Secretariat.Details and suggestions for materials, supplies, action steps, ages, rules, etc, can be found here.

Provide educational leaflets or pamphlets to parishioners.

Materials can be periodically included in the bulletin, posted on bulletin boards, left in narthex, etc.

The Respect Life Office has created a series of bulletin inserts on various life issues free to download and print.

Leaflets, pamphlets, and bulletin inserts can be purchased from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Feminists for Life ads (free to download).

Bumper stickers or other materials can be purchased and left in narthex for parishioners.  A great resource is Heritage House.

Have a Movie Night

Borrow or purchase Bella, or another pro-life film and order some pizza or pop some popcorn, and settle down for an inspiring and uplifting film or educational and riveting exposé.

Promote and Attend Archbishop’s Annual Symposium for Catholic Medical Professionals

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien hosts a biannual symposium for Catholic medical professionals and the general public with distinguished speakers on respect life issues relevant to the medical community.Attend and publicized his event at your parish.

Bring Truth Booth, A Window to the Womb, to your parish or school

The Truth Booth is simple, scientific, educational, non-confrontational, beautiful, and appropriate for all ages. It is available to parishes, schools, and other groups. The Respect Life Office will deliver, set up, and take down. All you need is a safe place, a table, and an electrical outlet. The 3 minute video clip of sonogram images runs continuously (and has a timer to turn off in the evening and back on in the morning). Please contact to borrow this amazing educational tool for your parish (for a ministry fair, special event, or the parish narthex), school, or event.

Organize Spiritual Adoption.

Inviting parishioners or school children to spiritually adopt an unborn child in danger of abortion and pray for him or her throughout the 9 months of pregnancy is a wonderful way to education parishioners and school children about the humanity and development of the unborn. Get detailed information about organizing spiritual adoption. The Archdiocese has a wonderful resource for this in its Little One Posters.

Set up a Pro-Life Resource Table.

Set up a table with pro-life literature and precious feet pins. Ask a volunteer to man the table after Masses, answer questions about your parish Respect Life Committee, and recruit new members. For pro-life literature, see USCCB Publishing (search under Social Justice Issues, Life Issues). Precious feet pins can be purchased at many religious book stores or from Heritage House.

Host a Pro-Life Speaker.

Ask a pro-life speaker to speak to a CCD class, youth group, seniors group, Knights of Columbus meeting, dinner event, Respect Life Committee meeting, etc.

Distribute / Sell Respect Life Audio CD’s.

Start an educational program that parishioners can participate in while driving. Purchase CD’s on respect life topics and make them available for a donation after Mass.

Promote Natural Family Planning Education.

“[D]espite their differences of nature and moral gravity, contraception and abortion are often closely connected, as fruits of the same tree.” Gospel of Life ¶ 13.

“The work of educating in the service of life involves the training of married couples in responsible procreation.” Gospel of Life ¶ 97.

Advertise local Natural Family Planning classes.

For information about NFP and local classes, see the Archdiocese of Baltimore Marriage Preparation.

Distribute NFP information.

Print in Sunday bulletin.

USCCB Brochures.

Distribute information about Natural Family Planning through marriage preparation classes, Engaged Encounter, and Marriage Encounter.

Invite Engaged Encounter and marriage preparation ministries to teach Natural Family Planning and Theology of the Body.

Theology of the Body.

Provide a Theology of the Body video for CCD or Confirmation classes. (see our Library for suggestions)

Schedule a Theology of the Body speaker to address Confirmation candidates, marriage preparation students, and marriage encounter participants. (see Speakers Bureau for suggestions)

Run a Theology of the Body Study Group.


Host a Mother-Daughter Tea & Modesty Fashion Show.

St. John Parish in Westminster hosts an annual Mother-Daughter Tea & Fashion Show – a fun afternoon to celebrate femininity, learn about virtue, and embrace modesty. Sample programs, volunteer notes, planning docs, etc. are available from the Respect Life Office.

Archdiocesan Respect Life Library.

The Respect Life Office also recommends these media resources as educational tools to be used in meetings, presentations, etc. The Respect Life Office has copies of these materials for borrowing if you would rather not purchase them.

Respect Life

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